Sunday, July 18, 2010


1. Tourism Assessment
The County Economic Development Office and VA Tourism conducted a two-day Tourism Assessment workshop on June 15 and June 23. A tourism plan for the county will be developed based on the information compiled at the workshops. Tourism dollars are becoming increasingly important to our economy, so it is good that the County is taking a more active role in this effort.
2. Boundary Adjustment
Our attorney is in contact with the Commission on Local Government in regard to the difficulty in getting a meeting scheduled with the County.
3. Public Utilities Planning Grants
We received copies of the Preliminary Engineering Report for the VD1-I grant (Water Projects) that was submitted as part of construction funding request. As you know, there will be a match required for any grant we might be offered. The application to Rural Development for the Wastewater Project will still be submitted, but as reported at the Workshop, they do not have the funding available as originally indicated.
4. ICMA Conference
I was fortunate to receive notice that I have received a scholarship and stipend to attend the ICMA National Conference in San Jose, CA on October 15-20. The Conference will be a great networking and learning opportunity, and I am excited about going.
5. Alliance for Innovation Big Ideas Conference
As a result of networking opportunities from ICM and the VML Insurance Board that I serve on, I have been invited to attend a weekend conference in September sponsored by the Alliance for Innovation. It takes place in Ann Arbor, MI. This conference is only open to 75 participants nationwide.
6. La kefest
The Town crew has worked hard on Lakefest related activities this week. We are expecting a huge crowd again, and we hope the satellite parking effort will alleviate some of the congestion downtown.
7. State Park Marina Project
DCR appears to be making progress on the construction plans for the new marina in the State Park. Construction is expected to start next spring.
8. July 4 Parade
The Ruritans did an excellent job with the Parade. This event will continue to grow and reflect positively on the Town.


  1. Reading the agendas from both of july's meetings indicates we still have buisness as usual.I hope some council members step in the game.I guess it will be a wait and see moment.

  2. Maybe I did not read the same thing? What do you find as "BUSINESS AS USUAL"? Thanks for keeping up, it's your Town. What would you like to see? Send me a letter in writing, either to my home or via Town Hall, of items you would like to see addressed. I will be happy to present it to the Council for you.
