Sunday, May 23, 2010



Report Dated Friday, May 14, 2010

Agenda Item #8 Unfinished Business

a. Bi-State Commission Input

As presented last month by John Field, the Bi-State Commission would like input on a number of options for future water allocations. This topic has also been addressed by the CLiC group, and they have not yet formulated a clear opinion. It appears that some sort of allocation purchase will be the most likely scenario. Perhaps there will be more direction forthcoming and this topic can be on next month's agenda as well.

Agenda Item #9: New Business

a. Public Hearing and First Reading for Proposed FY 10/11 Budget

Treasurer Murphy will present an overview of the proposed budget. There will be a second reading next month before the budget is adopted.

b. Planning Grant for Wastewater System

Staff from Dewberry will be present to review the recently completed planning grant and answer any questions Council may have. This grant will be submitted to Rural Development to apply for construction funds. The Town is eligible to receive a grant of up to 75 percent of the cost of the project.

c. Adoption of FY09/10 Audit Report

Council received a copy of the Audit in March, but has not yet adopted it.

d. Cable Franchise Transfer Request (Please See Enclosure 1)

Council is requested to authorize transfer the cable franchise from Jet Broadband to Shentel. As

e. DEQ Environmental Remediation - 4th St Pocket Park

DEQ advises that the environmental remediation process for the Elliott property/Pocket Park has been completed; however, the trailer and underground tanks will likely not be removed until late summer.


Tipping Fee Increase

The Regional Landfill has increased the tipping fee for commercial garbage by 13 percent effective June 1. Unfortunately, we were not made aware ofthis increase until this week. Therefore, we were unable to include this increase in our budget advertisement. We will have to cover the increase in the current budget from the Town's General Fund and increase commercial rates in the new budget to offset this increase. The County Administrator Wayne Carter advises that additional mid-year increases could occur if the landfill is unable to meet their projected revenue.

g. Glenn Edwards Townhouse Development

It appears that Mr. Edwards might need the Town to authorize a vacation of the plat that existed prior to his purchase and redevelopment of the Blue Creek Manor property on 4th St. I have not yet received any request from his attorney, and it is unclear whether my approval as Zoning Administrator is sufficient, or whether Council and/or the Planning Commission will need to hold a public hearing.

h. Budget Amendments

In addition to the amendments reviewed by the Town Treasurer, CEDA and the Chamber of Commerce would like for the Town to provide $1000 to support the VA BASS Federation tournaments held in Clarksville this weekend and again in October. Each of these tournaments brings 300 fishermen to Town. We have provided funds for this effort in the past, and they are appropriated from the Tourism line-item.


Council Workshop Minutes Monday, May 3, 2010 7:30 p.m. Town Hall

Council Present: Connie Torres, Carolyn Hite, Bill Nunn, Weston Gupton, Harold Yuille

Staff Present: Melinda Moran

Melinda opened the meeting in Kevin's absence:

1. Budget (Connie Torres, Linda Davenport)
A. Budget Preparation
Melinda stated that the Council Budget Workshop will be held on Tuesday, May 11 at 7:30 p.m., and that the budget will be advertised in the paper this week. The First Reading will occur at the Regular Meeting this month. There are no significant changes from last year. There are no proposed rate or fee increases. There are no proposed salary increases for staff. As with last year, we are not able to encumber funds in amounts that will allow significant infrastructure replacements. Connie reiterated that there were very few changes from last year, and Bill stated that there just was not room for any significant change.

B. Audit
The Audit report will be on the agenda this month for adoption. Carolyn requested a copy ofthe EDA audit, and Melinda confirmed that a copy was available for her review.

2. Buildings and Grounds (Linda Davenport, Weston Gupton) A. Housing Rehab Planning Grant
Melinda reported that the Town will hear later this spring whether or not we were successful in obtaining construction funds.

B. Derelict Vehicles
Melinda commented that Ricky is making progress with having the derelict vehicles removed, and that most owners have been cooperative once they know the Town is serious about enforcement.

C. Town Owned Buildings/Properties
Melinda reported that she is working on bylaws for the Veteran's Memorial. She also reported that Clarence would like Council to consider additional restrictions for the cemetery. He is concerned about some recently planted trees, and some overgrown shrubs. The Committee will meet to review this issue. Carolyn suggested that Mike Lyon be included in the discussion.

3. Personnel (Carolyn Hite, Connie Torres)
Melinda reported that while there are no proposed salary increases for employees for the upcoming fiscal year, the proposed budget does include $5000 to be dispersed as employee mid-year/Christmas bonuses. This is a $2500 increase in this expense, which is part ofthe Town's payroll. Rather than the current policy of basing the bonus on the employee's salary and longevity; this year there will be a set amount of $200 for full-time employees, and $100 for part-time employees.

4. Streets & Sidewalks (Weston Gupton, Bill Nunn)
A. Streets and Sidewalks
Melinda confirmed that the Town had finally received the go ahead on Friday to advertise for bids on the Strum & Co drainage work. A bid opening is scheduled for June 2.

5. Utility Committee (Bill Nunn, Harold Yuille)
A. Planning Grants
As previously reported, the Town has completed the planning grants for our water and wastewater systems.

6. Recreation (Harold Yuille, Carolyn Hite) 7. OTHER

A. Boundary Adjustment
Melinda reported that the response from our attorney has been sent to the County's attorney.

B. Cable Franchise
Melinda confirmed that the cable franchise is being transferred from Jet Broadband to Shentel.

C. Solid Waste Collection
Melinda recommended that Council review the pros and cons for public versus private collection of garbage. Bill commented that there were a number of issues that need to be considered before a decision could be made.

D. New Benches
Carolyn commented that the new benches should be delivered soon. Melinda confirmed that Clarence would coordinate their placement, and the placement for new trash receptacles, with her.

E. Community Center
Carolyn stated that there were some issues over the weekend with rental of the community center, and that it was not ready for the individuals who rented it for Saturday. Melinda replied that there was misunderstanding with the organizers of the F AC fundraiser that was held on Friday evening, and that they should not have left the

tables and chairs out. Carolyn also commented about the unsightliness of the debris behind the Community Center. Melinda said Clarence was planning to remove it shortly.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


I would like to thank everyone that took the time to vote. We had a low turn out of only 157 voters out of 938 registered voters. Congratulations to Carolyn Hite, Chris Clarke and Kevin Allgood, who I will now join on the Town Council (July 1st, 2010). I look forward to serving you the public in the next 4 years to come. I would hope that all citizens stay involved in any and all issues that are presented. I will continue to post any information as I have in the past on this blog. Please feel free to contact me on any concerns that I might be able to help you with or questions that you might have. You can call me at home 374-0581 or email me at Once again thanks for your support.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


In this weeks local paper (4/28/2010) it was stated that there would be no fee increases for the 2010/2011 budget. I think that’s fine except Town employees did not also get a raise again and then it was stated that a double bonus would be considered at Christmas for them. (Bonuses with tax payer dollars??!!)

Once again they did not raise the meal and lodging tax to 5.5% from the current 5%. It was stated that we have too many empty stores to implement this tax now. First of all this is a PASS THRU TAX which has not hurt the Town of South Hill at all. Per their budget report in the same paper, they stated their tax rate at 5.5% last year and their new proposed budget for 2010/2011 at 5.5%. Secondly, what does a meal and lodging tax have to due with empty store fronts? THIS IS A FOOD AND LODGING TAX. Our Town employees could have gotten their raise with this tax. We could also use the monies to help pay down our 6.5 million dollar debt.