Sunday, July 18, 2010


Council Workshop Agenda
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
7:30 p.m. Town Hall
Council Present: Connie Torres, Carolyn Hite, Bill Nunn, Harold Yuille, Glenn Jurczyk, Christopher Clarke, Mayor Kevin Allgood
Staff Present: Melinda Moran
Kevin opened the meeting and welcomed the Glenn and Christopher as newly elected Council members:
Special Topic: 2010/2011 Committee Assignments
Kevin reviewed Council Committee assignments. Glenn will serve on the Buildings and Grounds and Streets and Sidewalks, and Chris will serve on Budget and Building and Grounds.
1. Budget (Connie Torres, Christopher Clarke)
A. Budget Request
Melinda reported that Richard Elliott and Ike Bowen are evaluating a surplus truck to determine if it will meet the Public Utility Department's needs as discussed last month.
2. Buildings and Grounds (Christopher Clarke, Glenn Jurczyk)
A. Oakhurst Cemetery
The need for updating and revising rules and regulations for Oakhurst Cemetery to address plantings and mowing impediments was discussed last month. Melinda commented that the Town Hall staff has not yet located any formal rules and regulations governing the Cemetery, and that it is very time consuming to research our minutes because they are not indexed.
B. Housing Rehab Project
Melinda reported that that our application was not approved for the current round of funding, and that we would work with the PDC to amend the application if necessary to increase its chance of receiving funding in the next cycle.
3. Personnel (Carolyn Hite, Connie Torres)
A. COPS Grant
Melinda reported that an application for funding for an additional officer was submitted.

4. Streets & Sidewalks (Bill Nunn, Glenn Jurczyk)
A. Drainage Repair
VDOT must approve the contract with J. Harmon Saunders before he can proceed with the drainage repair in front of Strum & Co.
B. Parking Space Painting
Melinda reported that the parking space painting was nearly completed. and the total cost would be somewhat higher than the original estimate due to the need for two coats of paint. Bill commented that using a base coat and final coat would hold up much longer.
5. Utility Committee (Bill Nunn, Harold Yuille)
Melinda commented that due to the lack of availability of Rural Development funding, the Utility Committee should review the Planning Grant and prioritize the repairs. improvements, and upgrades and discuss a feasible timeframe for moving forward.
6. Recreation (Harold Yuille!Carolyn Hite)
A. Boundary Adjustment
The County's attorney has acknowledged to our attorney that the delayed response to our submittal of information is his fault.
B. Solid Waste Collection
As discussed last month, Melinda recommended that Council establish an ad hoc committee to review this issue.
C. Yard Sale Signs
Carolyn commented that the Town should require that yard sale signs be removed after 20 days.
D. VML Newly Elected Official's Conference
Glenn commented that he would be attending this conference later this month. Chris was planning to attend but would not be able to due to a scheduling conflict.
E. Tape Recording of Meetings
Glenn commented that he would be tape recording meetings so he could review and catch any details he misses.
F. Surplus Vehicles
Chris asked if the Town had considered looking for vehicles from companies that have declared bankruptcy.
G. Work Zone Safety
Glenn commented that the Town crew should have put out some cones behind the truck when they were working on a manhole on 4th Street last week.

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