Sunday, February 13, 2011


Council Workshop Minutes
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
7:30 p.m. Town Hall
Council Present: Connie Torres, Carolyn Hite, Bill Nunn, Harold Yuille, Glenn Jurczyk, Christopher Clarke
Staff Present: Melinda Moran
Connie opened the meeting in Kevin's absence and welcomed everyone.
1. Budget (Connie Torres, Christopher Clarke
Melinda reported that the staff is working on budget preparatory information. The Committee will start meeting later this month.
Carolyn inquired about the status of the Town's purchase of several pieces of equipment that was used by the Town but owned by Clarence Moore. Melinda replied that she would follow-up with Clarence's family.
2. Buildings and Grounds (Christopher Clarke, Glenn Jurczyk)
Melinda provided copies of the Inspection Report summary from the Police Dept building. While a great deal of cosmetic work needs to be done, there does not appear to be anything seriously wrong with the building. The next step will be drafting a set of plans and specs in order to get bids. Glenn commented that ideally we need to utilize the playground area as a gravel parking lot for the Police Department.
Melinda recommended that the Town-owned buildings in need of roof repairs be bid together in order to realize a potential cost savings.
Melinda reported that the Housing Rehabilitation grant the Town applied for last year has been approved. There will be a Team Meeting next week in South Hill at the PDC Office.
Glenn commented that siding should be added to the walls in the Community Center storage closet in order to keep holes from being punched in the walls by the rolling carts that hold the tables and chairs.
3. Personnel (Carolyn Hite, Connie Torres)
Melinda commented that she will have the leave schedules we currently utilize incorporated into the draft personnel manual by the March workshop meeting.

4. Streets & Sidewalks (Bill Nunn, Glenn Jurczyk)
Melinda reported that when the Town bids all the accumulated street patching jobs, we will include resurfacing Willow Drive due to a number of requests from the residents who live there. The cost will determine whether we can proceed this budget year or not.
5. Utility Committee (Harold Yuille, Bill Nunn)
Melinda reported that she received the Notice of Award from the VA Department of Health on Friday, January 28. This funding package is an $813,861 grant and a $542,574 loan at 3% for 30 years.
6. Recreation (Harold Yuille, Carolyn Hite)
A. Website — Melinda reported that an RFP will be advertised in this week's paper.
B. Fire Department - Johnny Shriver, the newly appointed Fire Chief would like to update Council at the Regular Meeting this month. Glenn commented that the Town should be copied on the Certificate of Insurance that the Department has for the building.
C. Employee Recognition — Melinda commented that she would like Council to present a Resolution to Clarence Moore's family at the Regular meeting this month, and also like to recognize employees for their years of service to the Town.
D. Boundary Adjustment — Melinda reported that a pre-bid meeting for the survey work required by the COLG will be held next week, and that she is working with a paralegal to compile the other information needed at this time.

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