Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Town Manager's Information for Council 1/19/10

1. Cove Project
The COE has indicated that no negative comments were received during the comment period that ended last night.
2. Proposed Boundary Adjustment
The meeting with the County will be scheduled in January based on a conversation between our attorney and the County attorney. Enclosure #2 is a copy of an anti-annexation petition from residents along Noblin Farm Road.
3. Public Utilities Planning Grants
Town Staff is still working with Dewberry to prepare a Preliminary Engineering Report for needed sewer system improvements. The Town has $9000 cash match for the $25,000 planning grant from Rural Development. There will likely be a combination of grant and loan money to construct the improvements, including new interceptor lines and upgraded pump stations. Staff is also working with Wiley & Wilson on two Health Department Planning Grants for the water treatment and distribution system.
4. Fine Arts Center
The Buildings and Grounds Committee is meeting next week on Tuesday morning to take a look at the leak problem in the basement of the FAC. The Committee is also going to look at the building formerly rented by Dr. Brown.
5. Manhole Rehab
The materials to rehab the manhole on Forest Hill Street that has an unstable cover are still on backorder.
6. Garbage Truck and Dumpsters
Public Works Director Moore has reviewed our options for new dumpsters and utilization of the front loading garbage truck. He can provide an update, but I would also like the opportunity to discuss this in more detail at the February Workshop.
7. Leaf Collection
We will stop leaf collection at the end of January. We are in the process of collecting any accumulated leaves, but after the end of the month, any additional leaves should be bagged and placed with other trash if the resident or business wants the Town to remove them.
8. Dump Truck
As discussed at the Workshop this month, the Town's older dump truck suffered a terminal breakdown while pushing snow before Christmas. This truck was primarily to haul mud, dirt and debris away from utility work sites. It was also used to push snow, and we have no other vehicles equipped to perform that function. The intention was to delay purchase of a replacement until the next budget, but there is an opportunity to purchase a used 1999 VDOT dump truck for less than $8,000 using General Fund Contingency money as discussed in the Treasurer's Report.
Congratulations to Paul upon his retirement after 25 years of service to the Town!(Reprinted from Public Record)

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